User Agent String.Com 


User Agent String explained :

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BoltBolt 2.340
MozillaMozillaProductSlice. Claims to be a Mozilla based user agent, which is only true for Gecko browsers like Firefox and Netscape. For all other user agents it means 'Mozilla-compatible'. In modern browsers, this is only used for historical reasons. It has no real meaning anymore
5.0Mozilla version
Windows Platform
U Security values:
  • N for no security
  • U for strong security
  • I for weak security
Windows NT 5.1Operating System:
icon Windows XP
en-USLanguage Tag, indicates the language for which the client had been localized (e.g. menus and buttons in the user interface)
en-US = English - United StatesEnglish - United States
BOLTName :
2.340Bolt version
AppleWebKitThe Web Kit provides a set of core classes to display web content in windows
530Web Kit build
KHTML Open Source HTML layout engine developed by the KDE project
like Geckolike Gecko...
VersionSafari Version
SafariBased on Safari
530.17Safari build number
UNTRUSTEDAdded by MIDP whenever an application is not signed
1.0UNTRUSTED version
3gpp-gbagba : Generic Bootstrapping Architecture, a user authentication technologie standardized at the 3GPP
Description:Free web browser for mobile phones including feature phones and smartphones that can run Java ME applications
First visit: 2011.01.26 02:37
Last visit:2025.02.18 05:07

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